Creativity Needs Time

Creativity Needs Time

OK, here I go again with the writer’s perfect gift. It is, this year, every year, forever and always, simply time. I wrote about it a couple of years ago, and I still cannot stress enough how absolutely true it is. But last time I suggested we ask for time from others. This time, I’m talking about giving it to ourselves.

I found this terrific little video that demonstrates this message more perfectly than I can:

Creativity requires time to muddle, time to mull, time to take root, time to grow, time to bloom. As much as we all want the satisfaction of results, those results can only be realized to their fullest with playful exploration and patience. A deadline might pressure us to complete the task. But the result might well be shoddy, a rough sketch (as in the video). Let go of the deadline to usher in the nurturing, creative mind-space that will bring forth our best work.

This season, and always, give your work the gift of time. To write. To play. And yes, eventually, to finish.

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4 thoughts on “Creativity Needs Time”

  • This is perfect! Love the video. Time is the most precious gift and those of us creative types appreciate it most. I wish you a happy holiday season and most of all, I wish you time! Thanks for subscribing to my blog,

  • Thanks, Judy, for the nice post. I had seen that video before and I agree…I just wish my time slots for all the different levels of creativity would all happen at the same time so I could actually finish what I start in a relatively short amount of time…lol…

    • So true! Whether we’re working on one big project or several, or if we simply have too many other obligations, it’s hard. My teacher Madeleine L’Engle used to say 1/2 an hour a day can be enough. You just have to carve out and dedicate the time.

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